The Sacred Garden Gatherings
bring women together to discover who we are and Whose we are.
Here in the Garden, we celebrate being loved by God and learn to walk in our true identity as His daughters- daughters of the King.
Where did the name Sacred Garden come from?
I’m so glad you asked.
Our relationship with God began in the garden. When we lost sight of our identity in Him and ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we became separated. God decided to pursue us and build our relationship with Him so close that we could never run away again. He sent us Jesus, to set up residence in our hearts and bring us back to the relationship we had in the garden. Paradise restored. Rivers of life flowing from a well of knowledge that we are His beloved children. Never ever to be an orphan again. Our purest identity resides there with our King; the Sacred Garden tucked away in our hearts, ready for us to discover the truest truths of who we are.
Our mission is personal. We want you to “Live a loved life” by knowing that your value comes from the One who created you. That you are empowered to become all that you were created to be, and positively impact the world around you.
How to host a Sacred Garden Gathering
We bring the garden to you and create space for your group to blossom in their God given identity. After the gathering we want to stay connected. You are a part of the Sacred Garden and have a tribe of women who are there to encourage and do life with you as you flourish in your homes, in your relationships, marriage, and parenting.
Book your Sacred Garden Gathering today!