Live Loved.

It’s time for you to live a life knowing you are loved- from the inside out!

I am a relationship coach, waking up women who have lost sight of their purpose and feel checked out of their lives, by guiding them on their personal journeys of transformation!


The Coaching Process

You are more than you ever knew.

All too often the pressure to be more drowns out the voice inside you that says “You are more than enough just by being you.”

For many years I struggled with feelings of not being enough. I lived a performance driven life. Thinking that somehow doing more would bring me the value I was seeking. When I discovered that what I did, wasn’t who I was, that became the game changer.

What are you believing about yourself?

Our beliefs dictate our lives. When you start believing that you are defined by your career and life, the pressure to be “the best” can be over whelming. Trying to keep up with who you think you are supposed to be is exhausting and leaves you feeling inadequate.

Who’s this for?

I work with women who are ready to break out of an old belief system that tells them they aren’t valuable and help them discover their self-worth and how much they are loved.

Maybe you’re…

  • Performing to feel value.

  • A “please-a-holic,” meeting everyone’s needs but your own.

  • Someone who’s been told…you’re not smart enough, pretty enough, financially dependent enough, etc.

  • Looking like you’ve got it all together while on the inside you’re barely holding it together.

  • A career woman who has lost your family balance.

  • Feeling guilt or selfishness.

If any of these feel like you, then your identity has been stolen from you. I want to help you discover your value and create a life that you love!

The Result.

You will…

  • Believe in your value and know who you are

  • Live a life that you love from the inside out

  • Make those BIG decisions because you trust yourself

  • Break out of an old belief system that kept you stuck in the past

  • Begin setting goals and dreams that line up with who you are

“The world does not define you”. -Kristin Tucker

You have a goal, a vision a dream that’s inside of you.

My coaching process will help you discover your purpose and how to tap into it to find your power! You will discover the truest you and who you were created to be. A woman who is radically loved! Working with me you will get clarity on where you are and where you want to be.

Are you ready to go on your journey? Let’s do this! I will coach you into the most authentic you.

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Uncover the power within!

You’re a part of something bigger! It’s time to live your life as you were created to live it.


So, what do I know?

I bring my 11+ years in ministry, mentoring women, coupled with strategies I have learned to equip and empower the people I coach. I bring fun into the process along with solid principles that will inspire you to grow past what you thought you could do. I want you to know that you were created by Love to be loved and offer it to you as the key to living your most authentic life.

The Commitment

Working together will give you clarity into deep truths about who you are and “Whose” you are, so that you can walk the path that has been set out before you as the most authentic you! You'll let go of an old belief system, and begin to thrive. Who you are is found inside. This discovery will help you flourish in every facet of your life.

Coaching requires your commitment and dedication to work. I’ll ask you questions that allow you to pause and hear from the One who created you and how He sees you. There is a Sacred Garden in your heart. We’ll uncover what you might need to let go of  to grow and how to do it. We’ll then create a customized plan of action that will work for you, that recognizes your strengths and can help you unlock your potential to experience success like you’ve never imagined.


“If you want more awareness, to who you are, and are ready to thrive in every area of your life, you're in the right place. Kristin gets you rooted in what matters most. You're about to feel more empowered and energized than ever before.” -Beth Weisenburger Waugh singer/songwriter, actress, wife and mom


“I don’t know where to begin…”

If you’re seriously considering working one-on-one with Kristin, please click below to schedule a complimentary coaching call. That important step will give you the opportunity to experience working with Kristin, and it will help you both to decide if you’re a good fit for each other.